Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why Do Schools Have Finals?

As finals are approaching quickly, students all over the country are frantically reviewing and studying everything they have learned in the semester. On the day of the final, a sleep-deprived, anxious student is not going to perform to anything close to their potential. So why do we take tests that some up four months of learning? How is it in anyway beneficial? 

Well, it's not.

According to Helium, a website where prominent writer post their work, finals "encourages students to take short-cuts and learn only what is needed for the exam, rather than rewarding those who have worked hard to learn all that they can throughout the year". Instead of having finals, we should just to learn "everything we can throughout the year", rather than studying a plethora of material the night before for an hour long test, where we are almost guaranteed to forget all the information the next day.

What do you think? Should high schools have finals? 

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