While watching the nightly "NBC Five" news last week, I saw a very strange news story. A man named Nguyen Buren from the North side of Chicago went into a nearby Subway with measuring tape and found out that his footlong was just one inch shy of twelve inches. Many would think that being an inch too short is no big deal--I mean come on, it's just a sandwich.
But this sandwich controversy could be worth more than just your "five dollar footlong" because Buren is allegedly seeking damages in excess of 5 million dollars for misrepresentation of a product.
I personally think this is beyond ridiculous and shows how desperate people are to get money. Ever since the '92 McDonald's coffee case, where a women was awarded with 3 million dollars for damages after spilling hot coffee on her lap, people will make unfathomable claims to be awarded money in court.
Do you think this man is crazy for asking for five million dollars over missing one inch of a footlong?
Hannah I found this blog post very interesting and funny. To us this situation with a man walking into a Subway with a measuring stick, and is now suing for damage for 5 million dollars seems insane. Honestly what damage could this man have gotten from a foot long being an inch too short? If anything maybe it was slightly healthier. So yes this man has the right to bring this case to court, but after the McDonald situation everything that involves the consumer being "injured" by a food product, makes me wonder if it's actually true. This case crosses the line, but is a very interesting example of how we as Americans have over used our ability to sue, and it has become just a way to get money.