Thursday, November 29, 2012

Emotionless Obama. Emotionless Man.

 Recently, news about a tearful speech Obama made after being reelected has been circulating all over the web. Why did this speech gain so much coverage? According to USC Annenberg News, Obama shed tears by saying, "What you guys have done means what I have done means what I'm doing is important, and I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of you."To read more click here Why did Obama receive so much attention about a speech where a tear was shed? 

    Throughout our history it has been looked down upon and a sign of weakness for men to "cry or show emotion". In our society we have adopted this idea of men and these ideas are not only ridiculous, but also should be a concern to us. Our nation has come to define strength as being cold and disconnected, both of which are characteristics a President should not display. The president needs to be connected and approachable. I think by crying, Obama can be seen more as a human-being, rather than an emotionless-being. 

 What do you think? Do you think president Obama should show more emotion? In general do we have a skewed view on how we see men and emotions? 


  1. Hannah, I completely agree with you. I do not think that Obama crying should be looked upon as a form of weakness. In fact, I think it shows that he is passionate and grateful for what he is doing. Whatever the reason for his tears, Obama has a right to cry, especially after holding them in for so many years. Seeing this side of Obama was necessary for people to see that he is more than just an emotionless President. Men should not be criticized for crying because even if they are supposed to look "strong," they are human like everyone else, and everyone cries.

  2. I completely agree with you. I also wonder, what events in our history have caused the ideas we have today on men and emotions?
