Friday, November 9, 2012

Legalizing Marijuana: Good or Bad?

   As many Americans anxiously watched the news to see who would be the new President elect, another topic sprang to subject. For the first time ever, two states, Colorado and Washington, legalized Marijuana. Marijuana (for the few that don't know) is a dry shredded green and brown mix of flowers, seeds and stems derived from the Cannabis plant. 
   While this new law has been set in place for only two states, many others will probably follow as they see the benefits that legalizing marijuana could have. Colorado and Washington could bring in up to 21 million dollars annually. Also, Marijuana "sales will require a license from the state department of revenue and will be taxed to fund school construction, at a rate of up to 15%", Time Magazine reports. To read more click here.  
   Only time will tell to see how this controversial drug will change these two states, but for now do you think marijuana should be legalized? 

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