Monday, October 8, 2012

Mitt Romney: In it to Win it

    I am not one to get into politics much. On Wednesday night I was flipping through channels and turned the debate on because some of my favorite comedy sitcoms were not on. Immediately, I was intrigued and watched the whole debate. In the past Romney hasn't had the best rep for public speeches. A lightbulb switch went off on Wednesday as Romney spoke with confidence and power. He stood his ground the whole night, as Obama took a more "cautious" approach, which wasn't the best game plan.
     After the debate, a CBS poll of 523 uncommitted voters were in favor of Romney  with 46% to Obama with 22%. (The rest thought it was a tie). To read more click hereThis debate could be a game changer for the Romney campaign as elections come closer and closer. What do you think? Did Obama do a good job at the debate? Did Romney do better? All comments are appreciated and welcomed. Watch the video to see highlights of the debate.

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