Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why Don't More Americans Vote?

       As the 2012 election comes closer, television has been flooded with advertisements to persuade voters to vote for a specific candidate, especially Mitt Romney. According to The New York Post,  some "Nonprofit groups have spent at least $65 million on television advertising, almost all of it against President Obama or in support of Mitt Romney".  A question everybody should be asking themselves is: why should they spend all the money when there is less than a 50% voter turnout? 
        Alexis de Tocqueville, a french political thinker best known for his "Democracy in America" writings, examined the idea of a small voting turnout in America and said,  " [i]t is difficult to force a man out of himself and get him to take an interest in the affairs of the whole state, for he has little understanding of the way in which the fate of the state can influence his own lot". To read more click here The citizens like the one described above need to stop thinking so concretely about their own lives and should consider how they want their country run just like how the determine how they live their lives.  
         The young americans can sway this election dramatically. In 2008, Obama's victory was very much credited to the 18-24 year olds as they voted 67% for Obama and 33% for McCain. This years election could go either way if everyone voted and took the initiative to make a small stand in how they want their country to be run. For all the under 18 year olds out there, would you vote if you could? 

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