All over the world people are mourning the loss of 26 lives, 20 of which were under seven years old, from Sandy Hook School in Newton Connecticut. The Sandy Hook shooting is the second most deadly shooting in U.S history, behind the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007.
On this blog post, I would like to look at how easy it is to get guns in the United States because many lives would be saved if there were stricter laws on owning guns. According to ABC News, "Right now if you don't have a criminal record and you have not been adjudicated as mentally incompetent, you can buy guns".To read more CLICK HERE. There are so many people in this country that do not have a criminal record and not considered "mentally incompetent". It is so easy to buy guns that in just November of this year, two million guns were bought. I think firearms should be illegal for all citizens besides law enforcement and the military. Since 2006 over 47,000 U.S lives have been lost due firearms--That is about 21 people per day.
What do you think? Should there be tighter laws on owning guns?