Although we like to think that there
is equality between blacks and whites in our country, the truth is, we are far from it. There has bee a constant struggle ever since the 1800's to treat blacks as equal as whites. We start with slavery, then to black codes, then to Jim Crow laws: The list code go on forever. Although we are no where near where we used to be, we still are
racial profiling, especially when it comes to looking for suspects breaking the law to become incarcerated.
Unfortunately, people of color have been arrested at much higher rates than whites even when committing extremely similar times.
The Huffington Post, "Black males had an imprisonment rate that was nearly seven times higher than the incarceration rate of white men". Seven times is such a staggering number to begin with, but we should also take population into consideration, which will makes theses numbers even more unfathomable. White people make up the supermajority at 72% of the U.S. population, while Blacks only make up a mere 13%. So, if we take population into consideration, Blacks are actually being imprisoned at a rate of
35% compared to whites.
Is it because of history that has made it harder for us to wrap our brains around that it is just color defining the people? Or is it the fact that some people are still
for segregation as we have seen the many attempts to halt desegregation throughout our nations history.
Why do you think we are still "judging" people by the color of their skin? Do you think blacks are treated as equally as whites?
All comments are welcome!