Have you ever been in a dangerous situation because of an ad you responded to on Craigslist? On August 14th the popular advertising website Craigslist was yet again linked to another death of an innocent victim looking for a good deal. Aung Thu Bo, a 19 year old college student, was found dead after trying to purchase an iphone. Click here to read more.
When I think of Craigslist and the media, I think of the infamous "Craigslist killer" and passed murders due to the website. Although many Craigslist posters are harmless, the media chooses to focus on all the bad activity rather than the good. So for my post today I wanted to focus on the good things Craigslist has done, rather than the bad.
A recent documentary called "Craigslist Joe" came to my attention as I was searching for movies to watch. I am a fan of documentaries and this one caught my eye. It documented one man living for one month purely on the goodwill of others and you could probably guess, all the people were average Joe's from Craigslist. To read more about "Craigslist Joe" click here. After watching the documentary, not only did I feel proud to live among such generous people, but it shed light on all the negatives the media was trying to ingrain in our brains. Watch the above video to learn more about "Craigslist Joe"